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Numbers Quiz - Level II
Test your knowledge of Numbers
1 / 15
In Numbers chapter 2, how were the tribes of Israel arranged around the tabernacle during their encampment in the wilderness?
2 / 15
In Numbers chapter 3, who were appointed to serve as priests and assist in the tabernacle duties?
3 / 15
In Numbers chapter 5, what procedure was prescribed for dealing with a woman suspected of adultery?
4 / 15
In Numbers chapter 1, how were the Israelites counted for the census?
5 / 15
In Numbers chapter 4, what was the primary responsibility of the Kohathite clan regarding the tabernacle?
6 / 15
In Numbers chapter 7, what did each leader of the twelve tribes bring as an offering for the consecration of the altar?
7 / 15
In Numbers chapter 10, what were the silver trumpets used for by the priests?
8 / 15
In Numbers chapter 14, what consequence did the Israelites face for refusing to enter the Promised Land?
9 / 15
In Numbers chapter 12, who challenged Moses' authority and was struck with leprosy as a result?
10 / 15
In Numbers chapter 6, what is the Nazirite vow, and what are its requirements?
11 / 15
In Numbers chapter 16, who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, challenging their leadership?
12 / 15
In Numbers chapter 11, what did the Israelites complain about and request from God?
13 / 15
In Numbers chapter 15, what was the punishment prescribed for a person who intentionally violated the Sabbath by gathering wood?
14 / 15
In Numbers chapter 9, what was the significance of the cloud that covered the tabernacle during the Israelites' journey in the wilderness?
15 / 15
In Numbers chapter 8, what age were the Levites required to retire from their service in the tabernacle?
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