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Numbers Quiz
Test your knowledge of Numbers
1 / 15
What miraculous event occurred at the entrance of the Promised Land when the Israelites were about to cross the Jordan River?
2 / 15
Which famous biblical figure is associated with the story of the bronze serpent, as mentioned in the Book of Numbers?
3 / 15
What significant event took place at Kadesh Barnea in the Book of Numbers?
4 / 15
What punishment did God inflict upon the Israelites as a consequence of their constant complaints and lack of faith in the wilderness?
5 / 15
What miraculous event occurred when Balaam, a non-Israelite prophet, tried to curse the Israelites but ended up blessing them instead?
6 / 15
What was the punishment for Miriam and Aaron when they spoke against Moses in the wilderness?
7 / 15
What was the punishment for the Israelites' refusal to enter the Promised Land after the report of the spies in the Book of Numbers?
8 / 15
Which miraculous provision did God provide to the Israelites in the wilderness, as described in the Book of Numbers?
9 / 15
Which of the following individuals was a prominent leader of the tribe of Levi and played a significant role in the events of the Book of Numbers?
10 / 15
What did the Israelites use to create the golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments?
11 / 15
How many spies were sent by Moses to explore the Promised Land in the Book of Numbers?
12 / 15
In the Book of Numbers, what was the primary purpose of the census conducted by Moses?
13 / 15
What significant event occurred when Moses struck a rock in the wilderness, as described in the Book of Numbers?
14 / 15
In the Book of Numbers, who was chosen as the successor to Moses to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land?
15 / 15
Who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron in the Book of Numbers, resulting in divine punishment?
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