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Exodus Quiz - Level II
Test your knowledge of Exodus
1 / 15
Which of the following objects was not part of the construction of the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle?
2 / 15
According to Exodus, what was the primary purpose of the mercy seat on top of the Ark of the Covenant?
3 / 15
What did Moses do with the gold from the golden calf after he burned it?
4 / 15
Which Egyptian pharaoh is traditionally associated with the events of the Exodus in the Bible?
5 / 15
What was the name of the idol that the Israelites created while Moses was on Mount Sinai, which led to God's anger?
6 / 15
What was the purpose of the bronze basin placed between the Tabernacle and the altar, as described in Exodus chapter 30?
7 / 15
In Exodus chapter 24, what was sprinkled on the people as part of the covenant ceremony between God and the Israelites?
8 / 15
How many times did Moses Fast for 40 Days and 40 Nights?
9 / 15
What was the name of Moses' father-in-law, a priest of Midian, who played a significant role in Exodus?
10 / 15
What was the punishment for those who gathered manna on the Sabbath day in the wilderness?
11 / 15
According to the Book of Exodus, what was the name of the mountain where Moses saw the burning bush and received his call from God?
12 / 15
What was the significance of the veil in the Tabernacle's Holy of Holies?
13 / 15
Who was the sister of Aaron and Moses, known for her role in leading the women in a song of praise after the crossing of the Red Sea?
14 / 15
What were the names of Aaron's sons who were struck dead by the Lord for offering unauthorized fire before the Lord?
15 / 15
What was the name of the priestly garment worn by the high priest of Israel that included twelve stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel?
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